Charlottetown, July 1, 1871
Joseph McVane, Esq.
DEAR SIR. - I have never though otherwise of the Railway project than a scheme of
our worthy Government men for the purpose of advancing Confederation, and for filling
the pockets of a Ring of selfish speculators, than for any benefit it is even likely
to cooler on the people of this Colony.
The outspoken opinion of leading men and the feeling so universally exhibited on Wednesday's
nomination in this city, shows that the people in the country, excepting a very insignificant
minority, are all taken a similar view of the question with myself.
Should the Railway succeed even to the extent between Summerside and Georgetown the
question is, where are we to get a revenue, over and above the Railway interest, to
defray the vastly increasing demands for the repairs of local roads and bridges?
In ten years time the country will require £10,000 or £15,000 yearly for these local
wants over and above the Railway interest. and how is it to be raised? It cannot be
done without the most grinding taxation. Our Confederate Government clearly for- see
this, and also that the only relief or remedy to be then presented to the people will
be Confederation as the lesser evil!
I have been sadly disappointed in the sterling worth of the Hon. Emmanuel MacEachern.
He has yielded the temptation of a salary, and like my quondam friend Mr. Duncan,
he thinks Conservation and anti-Confederation on his lips will carry him through his
constituency; I hope not:
and if his constituents do as it is now almost certain Mr. Duncan's will do, then
the Government will go to the wall and the question of the Railway can yet be submitted
to the people.
I have no particular reason for recommending Mr. Sullivan, but if there is any chance
of his defeating the candidate of as corrupt a Government as ever held the reins of
power in this or any other British possession, your people ought to support him.
I remain, dear Sir, Very truly yours, EDWARD PALMER
This letter had been sent to Mr McVane by Mr. Palmer, and now that the latter had
become a public man, Mr McVane thought the letter should be made public property.
If the late Government engaged in the building of 140 miles of Railway in order to
drive the Island into Confederation, what must be the object of the present Government
in increasing the line to 200 miles? This letter gave a good idea of the character
and consistency of the writer.