
Legislative Assemblies of Alberta and Saskatchewan, 29 October 1903, Alberta and Saskatchewan Debates over Confederation with Canada.



Second Session of Fifth Legislature Has Begun Its Labors.

At three o'clock this afternoon His Honor Lieutenant Governor Forget formally opened the second session of the fifth Legislative Assembly of the North-West Territories. He was escorted from Government House to the Assembly chamber by a detachment of 15 or 20 men of the N.W.M.P. under command of Insp. Heffernan. Sergt. Major Church was second in command. Lt.-Col. Macdonell, D.S.O., acted in the capacity of A.D.C..
The Speech with which His Honor opened the Assembly was as follows:—
I have much pleasure in welcoming you on the occasion of the opening of the Second Session of the fifth Legislative Assembly of the Territories.
Although, owing to adverse climatic conditions at the critical time of harvest, the expectations formed at the beginning of the season have not all been realised, I can still congratulate you on the continued growth and prosperity of the country.
It being the opinion of my Government that the public business will be greatly facilitated by a change in the time of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly, I have called you together again at this early date in order to enable your ordinary Sessions to be held hereafter in the autumn instead of, as hitherto, in the early part of the year.
By legislation passed at the late Session of the Dominion Parliament, your legislative jurisdiction has been extended so as to enable you to deal with the qualification of Members of the Legislative Assembly, and a Bill dealing with that subject will be presented for your consideration.
Your power to legislate with regard to certain matters affecting the admininstration of justice has also been in creased, in consequence of which you will be required to make some provision for the establishment of Judicial Districts and the appointment of Police Magistrates. Bills concerning these subjects will be presented to you.
The rapid increase of population in the Territories, and the wide area over which that population is scattered, have led my Government to the conclusion that a gradual decentralisation of the work at present performed by the central Government has become necessary. This important matter has been the subject of careful consideration by my Government during the recess, and your co-operation and assistance will be asked with a view to the establishment of a simple, efficient and economical system of rural organisation.
Measures for the creation of a University; dealing with the powers and liabilities of Trustees; and the levying of Succession Duties will be be submitted to you; as will a consolidation of the law relating to game; and Bills amending the Municipal, School and Fence Ordinances.
Estimates for the coming year have been prepared, having regard for the conditions of the Territories.
I leave you all these and such other matters as may be brought before you, in full confidence that your earnest endeavours and consideration will be given to them, and in the belief that your labors will be Divinely guided to a successful and satisfactory issue. 


Regina Leader, 1896-1904. Digitized by Google Books.



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