Wednesday, April 11.
The House met at 3 o'clock.
The House went into Committee and passed
the following bills:—To appoint an additional
Health Officer in the Port of Halifax; to postpone the ensuing sitting of the Supreme
at Halifax; to authorize the sale of the old Baptist Meeting House at Caledonia; to
the sale of Mount Zion church at Milton,
Queen's; to protect the navigation of Cow Bay Â
C. B.; to incorporate Little Brookfield Pier Co;
to incorporate East River Coal Mining Co;
to amend the law respecting Sheriffs; relative
to assessment in the County of Halifax.
Hon Mr SHANNON reported up a bill to provide for the appointment of Special Constables
in the city of Halifax.
Mr. ARCIHBALD reported up a bill relative to
assessment; he stated that the object of the bill
is to subject to assessment those persons who
have large incomes and yet have no visible property to be taxed.
Mr Coffin and Mr Locke objected to the bill as
it might operate hardly on poor working men,
fishermen or others with only limited incomes;
but Mr. Archibald said that they might be protected by a clause when the bill came
up on
HON ATTY GEN said that it would be found
on consideration that the effect of the bill would
be to lessen the present taxation of the poorer
classes. The bill was read a second time.
Hon. PROV. SEC reported up from the Committee on Education. The report among other
things recommended that assistance be granted
to Dr. Forrester in the publication of a work on
Education that would be found invaluable to
teachers and others. It stated that during the
present session 31 petitions had been presented
in favor of, and 5 against assessment for the
support of schools. Â
Mr ARCHIBALD objected to that part of the
Report which referred to the Halifax Grammar
School; the effect would be, he said, to transfer
property properly belonging to the whole body
of the citizens to a private body. He sustained
the grant to Dr. Forrester as most judicious.
The report was allowed to lie on the table.
The school bill was then taken up for its 3rd
Mr. S CAMPBELL then moved that 20 cents
be substituted for 30 cents in the 2nd clause.
Mr Blanchard said he would support the
amendment, as the clauses would operate unfairly in a county like lnverness.
Mr. Bill also supported the amendment.
The motion was lost on the following division :—
For—Heffernan, Hatfield, Hebb, Balcam, McLellan, Jost, Bill, C. J. Campbell, McDonnell,
Blanchard, S. Campbell, Locke, Robertson,
Ross, Ray, Coffin, Robicheau, More, Colin
Campbell, Armand, Smyth.
Against—Attorney General, Prov. Sec, Shannon Pryor, Donkin, Lawrence, Donald Fraser,
Cowie, Allison, Bourinot, Killam, Hill, McKay,
Parker, Kaulback, Hamilton, Tobin, McKinnon,
James Fraser, Dr. Brown, Archibald, McFarlane.
Mr. Bill moved that the bill be recommitted
for the purpose of adding these words: "if recommended by the Grand Jury, and approved
by the Court of Sessions" He argued that
the House could not do better than leave the
matter of taxation in the hands of trustworthy
men as composed the Court of Sessions.
The motion was lost by 13 to 38
Mr. BILL again moved that widows and
unmarried females be exempt to the extent of
$1000; but did not press the motion on the understanding that the subject would be
with when the Assessment law was under
Mr. BILL presented a petition signed by 200
names, from Kings Co against Confederation.
Mr MOORE, a similar petition from the same
HON ATTY GEN. a petition from Glace Bay
C. B., in reference to a title to certain lands. Â
Mr ANNAND a petition from North Queen's
against Confederation. Â
HON ATTY GENL a petition from Col,
Chearnley and a number of Volunteer Officers
complaining that they are not placed on an
equality with Militia Officers
Mr. COLIN CAMPBELL urged the strong
claims of the Volunteer organization to favourable consideration. They had the right
of the
field in the case of war, and yet were ranked
inferior to Militia officers. They had not been
fairly dealt with; for instance they had only
received $4 a year when they had been promised
Mr BILL was glad to hear such opinions expressed relative to the Volunteers, but thought
the subject might be appropriately referred to
the Commander-in Chief
Mr. PRYOR said that there was every disposition on the part of the Militia Committee to act
friendly towards the Volunteers
said that the Government
were disposed to treat the Volunteers in the
most friendly manner, and had always done
their best to promote their progress. If any reduction had been made on the amount
contemplated to be given to them, it was without his
knowledge. Â
Mr. COLIN CAMPBELL said he was glad to
hear the Provincial Secretary state that the
Volunteers were entitled to the $5 last year.
In reply to Mr. Archibald the Provincial
Secretary stated that every precaution had been
taken to prevent any communication between
the Inhabitants and the Cholera ship lying in
HON Mr. SHANNON presented a petition from
inhabitants of Waverley asking for a lock-up-house also a bill in accordance with
the prayer
Mr COWIE introduced a bill to amend Chap.
29 acts of 1865 "for the better encouragement
of education." The object is to extend the
time for district No 8 of the town at Liverpool
for the borrowing of certain moneys for educational purposes.
The House then adjourned.