
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, 19 May 1873, Prince Edward Island Confederation with Canada.

Monday, May 19th
Hon. ATTY. GENERAL said it was proposed to increase the toll upon vessels, for keeping up the Cape Race Lighthouse, from one-sixteenth to one- twelfth of a penny per ton, and that this toll would be collected from all new vessels before they leave the harbor. There is already a law upon our Statute Book providing for the collection of this toll, and this despatch merely asks for a small increase.
MR. A. J. McDONALD said that the toll was regularly paid by all vessels trading between the Dominion, and Great Britain, as well as vessels sailing between this Island and Great Britain, and was transmitted to the English Board of Trade. If a vessel leaves this Island for Great Britan without paying the toll, she pays it on her arrival there.
Mr. D. LAIRD thought the Dominion authorities would attend to this matter on our entering Confederation, and that there was no necessity for the House to Legislate on the matter, under present circumstances.
Hon. ATTY. GENERAL said that the Cape Race Lighthouse has not been erected at the cost of the Dominion, and that the toll would not go into their treasury. At the same time, if the Colony were in the Dominion, we would not be asked to pass such a law as this. If we go into Confederation, it will be all right in reference to this toll, and if we remain out, the proposed alteration in our present law will take effect when the Bill is passed. He would move the following resolution:—
Resolved, That it is expedient to introduce a Bill to increase the toll collected for the Cape Race Light Duties, and to provide for the collection in this Island of the said toll.
Hon. B. DAVIES thought it premature to attempt to legislate on a matter of this kind on the eve of Confederation, as it is a matter with which the Dominion Government will have to deal. It would be advisable to let the question stand over till the Government have decided what they intent to do with reference to Confederation.
The resolution was then put and agreed to.
The Speaker took the chair, and the Chairman reported the resolution agreed to.
Hon. Mr. Brecken, Messrs. A.J. McDonald and J. A. McDonald, were, on motion, appointed a Committee to bring in a Bill in accordance with the said resolution.
Hon. ATTY. GENERAL, Chairman of said Committee, presented said Bill, and on motion, it was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.
House adjourned till ten o'clock to- morrow.


The Parliamentary Reporter of Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. Charlottetown: Henry Cooper, 1873. Microfilm copies provided by the Prince Edward Island Libraries and Archives.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Isabelle Carré-Hudson.

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